Oh, wow, where can I start? I have been battling with my weight for years. It has always been up and down and I could never consistently stick with a fitness routine.
I was also battling with depression and anxiety because I was so unhappy with my physical and emotional state. When I first spoke to Fred on the phone, he was kind and compassionate. He made it clear to me that I had to put in the work and that everyone at BBD is family.
It made me feel welcome, and it made feel like someone truly cared about my well being and wasn't just there to make a buck.
When I started, I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting winded. My knees always hurt, I felt lethargic and I was literally a mess. I couldn't even squat or lunge.
Now, let's fast forward to 4 months later, I'm down 20 lbs, my body is shrinking, my knees no longer hurt, I can squat and lunge!
I have never pushed myself to this level before. I never thought it would be possible.
I used to strongly dislike working out... Now, I can't wait to get my behind back in there and work up a sweat. I feel so much better!
I cant wait to see what the next few months have in store for me.
Did I also mention that my depression and anxiety are practically non-existent now? I used to take medication and it wouldn't help! Now, I'm working out, surrounding myself with positive influences and people. My whole mindset has changed!
Just recently, I Skyped with my step mother who lives out of country, and she gave me the biggest compliment... She said, " Franchesca, I can see the light in your eyes again." I had lost that and it's so true, I have regained that and so much more working with Bodies By Design.
I now have the confidence to continue to push forward. I truly feel like part of the family. If you are at your wits end, feeling like you have lost that light, and need a drastic change, come here!
You will get results if you put in the work and do what you're told. Not only that but you will be part of a supportive and uplifting family! To Fred, Donovan, Ninette, and Martha, and everyone I come across at BBD, thank you so much for making this the most positive experience. I'm truly blessed!
Update: As of 1/21/18, I am down 66lbs, and have dropped 4 dress sizes. My range of motion and movement has greatly improved, and I no longer have any pain in my knees.
I can do a deep squat with zero knee pain! Never in a million years did I think that would be possible...Aside from the obvious physical change, my mind is clearer and I’m in a better place mentally.
Everyone tells me I look happier. That’s probably the biggest compliment I could ever receive. This places really does change lives y’all... Check it out!
Franchesca V.