Pflugerville Gym Client - Mirna M.

About a year and a half ago, I was at my lowest point in my life. The numbers on the scale kept increasing. Everyday, I felt draggy and fatigued.

I had reached a point of no return and it was time to take action.

One of my neighbors recommended BBD.

She was enrolled in the “boot camp” and noticed successful changes in her body.

Being located about two or three miles away from home, I agreed to check BBD out. Very quickly, I discovered BBD was not your ordinary gym. I enrolled in the small class session with Coach Donovan. I remember being unable to keep up with my workout at first since I was so out of shape.

In addition to the workout sessions, Coach Donovan made some recommendations about my nutrition and I changed some aspects of my diet. It is important to note these changes are now permanent. Slowly, I started feeling better and more energized. Pounds were shedding and I looked better in the mirror, which increased my intellectual presence and my confidence level. At my annual check up, my doctor was so proud of me. All of my numbers for my blood work improved.

What keeps me walking through the door even on my "lazy days" is the amazing coaches, the sense of community, the accountability and knowing that I won’t regret it. indeed, I always feel better after my workout. So far, I’ve lost 20 pounds and I’m working on losing the next 10.

It's been quite a journey with the BBD family

 Mirna M.
